Benjamin Franklin said, “A penny saved is a penny earned.”
Choosing not to spend money on one thing allows you to spend it on something else. For example, if you choose not to eat out at lunch and get coffees, you’ll be able to go to that great concert you’ve been wanting to attend. Or you can even upgrade your car.
The bottom line is to learn how to budget as well as plan ahead for larger purchases and emergencies.
So let’s look at some fun ways you can save money without feeling pinched.
Invest a Paycheck
You may be thinking, “Wait, what?”
But it’s true. There is an easy way to save a paycheck regularly without feeling the pinch.
Most of us are paid every two weeks which is 26 pay periods. This means twice a year you could receive three paychecks in one month instead of your usual two. If you plan ahead, you can put this paycheck into a special savings account and you won’t even notice it because you’re used to living off of two paychecks per month.
You can also use this trick with financial gifts that you receive, as well as bonuses and reimbursements. You’ll be amazed at how quickly you’ve built up a solid nest egg or emergency account.

Live On A Budget Using Gift Cards
Do you accidentally go over budget because you’re not focusing on the actual amount?
You can set a hard limit on yourself by using gift cards instead of credit cards. Once you have used up the amount on the gift card, you are done for the month.
This can also be used for food budgeting. What’s nice about this, is that you can understand some months when you know you have a larger budget coming up in future months.
Some people use cash in envelopes. They put the amount of cash that they think they’re going to need in different envelopes. So you have an envelope for rent, food, eating out, gas, utilities, and more. For some envelopes, you absolutely need or tenant. For example, your landlord won’t accept less than your full rent just because you spent too much on lattes.
This can sometimes be difficult because you need to have the cash upfront. Or you need the discipline to put all of your paychecks into the envelopes when you receive them.
What is good is to become aware of how much money you’re spending. When you have to hand over a $20 bill it makes more of an impression than handing over Mr. Visa card.
So find one way that works for you and helps you stay on track.
Front Your Momentum
Once you’ve finished paying off some debt, keep making that amount of payment towards another goal. For example, if you paid off your car (congratulations!) you could apply the car payment towards another outstanding bill like a credit card or you can start depositing it into your savings account. You know you can live without money right now, so continue along that path until you’ve built up your emergency funds.
The goal is not to live like an impoverished college student forever.
Every one of us has our own end result. It is a good idea to build up 3 to 6 months of savings for emergencies. And you may want to save up for something special like a vacation in a warm climate during the worst of winter.
Learning how to save and live on a budget is about having more control over your life. It’s also about freedom.

Think Differently
We live in a fun new time. You can stream just about anything you want to your computer or tablet or phone. And you can connect them up to your TV set. Many major companies are providing their programs instead of having you sign up for cable or satellite. So spend some time rethinking how you watch TV.
Also, think about why you purchase name brands. Many of Costco’s brands are actually name brands with Costco branding. The same goes for Trader Joe’s. So spend money on quality rather than on the name.
When people ask you what you want for a birthday or holiday gift, consider asking for a present that you can use often that will save you money in the long run. For example, if you love going to the zoo or an aquarium. It would be great to have a membership that allowed you to go whenever you wanted. There are even memberships for movie theaters.
And one of the best ways to save money is to cancel the subscriptions that you never use. Don’t keep telling yourself you’ll go to the gym someday. Cancel it today and look into alternatives. Your employer may have an on-site gym, or your health insurance may offer a credit towards another gym.
If you enjoy being social with your friends, you don’t have to stop because you’re living on a budget. Many of your friends are in the same boat that you are. Maybe it’s time to bring back the old backyard barbecue or potluck. Invite people over and asked them to bring a dish. You can find games at thrift stores as well as jigsaw puzzles. You may be surprised how much more fun you have focusing on the people rather than where you’re eating.
Finally, go check out your library. Local libraries have more than physical books. Many of them subscribe to services allowing you to download e-books and videos. Many also provide talks for free which can be very fun and entertaining.