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30 Ideas to Make Money on Fiverr

I found this video on 30 Easy New No Skills Required Methods to Make Money on Fiverr that I thought you would enjoy watching.

What I really liked

I thought it was smart recommending Zoom. If you’re artistically inclined, you can make branded Zoom backgrounds for companies. Or you can create ones that look like you’re in a clean home office (call me when you do).

Companies also need someone to help them with tons of questions about how to use Zoom. Like “How do I add in a background?”

It’s really finding a specialized niche that’s hot right now.

For longer term, look into the social media posting package, creating organizers and presentations as well as surveys. Often a company will have all the data and want a pretty infographic to communicate it. And Infographics need to look fun or else no one will share it.

Finally, I appreciated how he demonstrated a variety of free tools so you can get started quickly and easily.

What I wasn’t so sure about

Life coaching and chatbots do need some skills. So I wasn’t convinced they belong on this list. I worked in tech support and know that chatbots need some smarts. Someone can ask “where is my shirt” but you may have only programmed in “where is my order” and won’t provide a positive experience.

Sure, it’s Fiverr. But you’ll get more money faster if you can provide a better service.

What should you do?

If any of these speak to you, go for it. Fiverr is a great way to make good pocket money.

In an upcoming blog, I’ll write more about setting up your Fiverr account. And then in another, I’ll provide tips on how to get those first few important customers. After that, you can raise your rates.