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The Ultimate Guide to Balancing Your Day Job and a Side Hustle

Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck? Do you want to earn some extra income? A side hustle could be your answer. But, balancing the demands of your full time job and a side hustle can be challenging.

In this guide, we will teach you how to balance your job and a side hustle with time management tricks and innovative solutions. Read on to find out how you can earn some extra money without sacrificing your mental, physical, or financial health.

Create a side hustle and full time job schedule

Assess your Time and Prioritize: Everyone has 24 hours in a day. But it’s how we use these hours that determines our productivity. The first step to balancing your day job and a side hustle is to figure out how much free time you can realistically dedicate without going crazy. Analyze your work hours, commuting time, personal obligations, and leisure time to know when you can work on your side hustle.

Use your time wisely. Prioritize your tasks and hobbies to fit in some extra time. For example, you can cut down your social media time to spend some hours knitting or selling your handmade crafts. Or bingewatching something on Netflix. Or going down ratholes watching YouTube videos. Just sayin’.

There are a lot of online resources to learn time management. And it doesn’t hurt to remind yourself why you want to have this extra money. Are you saving up for a big purchase? Or do you want to have a little extra cash for fun with your friends?

A big why will help you stick to your schedule when things get a little crazy. And always be on the look out for some spare time that you can use to boost your hustle hours.

Have you considered how you use your entire lunch hour? Part of a good side hustle is spending time learning more about what you want to do. Consider this time to be your time to learn.

Set an income goal

Set Realistic Goals: While earning extra income can be exciting, don’t overwhelm yourself with an unrealistic goal. Setting achievable goals is crucial to succeed in both your job and a side hustle. Be specific and make a plan that suits your lifestyle.

For example, if you have a full-time job and can only spare two hours a day, aim to earn $100 a month instead of $1000 at first. As you learn more, you may be able to earn more.

Or not. Maybe you’re happy with a few extra bucks for the amount of time you put in.

Put side hustle tasks on autopilot

Use Online Tools and Platforms: Technology is your best friend when it comes to time management and side hustles. Whether it’s creating a website, marketing your products, or managing your finances, various online platforms can simplify your side gig.

Websites like Shopify, Freshstore, and Etsy can help you create an e-store, while apps like Trello, Evernote, and Google Calendar can assist in organizing your schedules and tasks.

You don’t have to sign up with a hosting company and set up WordPress for a website. There are many options now.

And some side hustles don’t even require a website. You could advertise your hustle on sites like Fiverr or Upwork.

Do your job first

Optimize your Day Job: Yes, you read that right-your current job can help you with your side hustle too. If possible, try to align your day job skills with your side business. For instance, if you’re a graphic designer, you can offer freelance design services. Or, if you’re a writer, you can start a blog or offer writing services.

Additionally, discussing your side hustle with your colleagues or boss can help you secure some work-from-home opportunities or collaborations. It may not be from your current company. Let’s say you had a coworker who left for another company. If you stay in touch, they may be able to throw some freelance work your way.

It’s important that you have clear boundaries and you don’t let your full time job slip. If you need more side hustle hours, consider taking a vacation day periodically. Then spend the whole day working on those tasks and checking them off your to do list.

Make self-care a priority

Take Care of Yourself: Balancing your full time job and a side hustle can be stressful at times. But, don’t forget about your physical and mental health amidst the chaos. Schedule some “me-time” and self-care activities to recharge yourself.

Take breaks, sleep well, and exercise regularly to avoid burnout. Remember, your well-being is essential to succeed in both your life and work. You won’t be successful at anything if you’re at zero energy.

There may be times in the beginning where you are so committed to achieving your dreams. And that can be okay. Just don’t burn yourself out early on. And if you do, it’s ok to take some time off and then start again. You’ll know more and will be able to achieve more.


In conclusion, you need good time management skills, self-discipline and persistence to balance job and side hustle. But, the benefits of earning that extra income and developing your skills are worth it. Use our ultimate guide to mastering time management with innovative solutions, prioritize your time, set achievable goals, use online tools, optimize your work, and take care of yourself.